Real Wealth Management™ Services

Wealth Management Accounting in Hamilton & Stoney Creek

We provide Real Wealth Management™ services that incorporates all of your assets, including business and personal taxes to ensure that your wealth retention and gains are maximized.

The Problem – "Where can I find a highly trained Professional who can understand and co-ordinate our family's strategic real wealth plan ... with all our Advisors?"

Talk to one of our Real Wealth Managers™ (RWM).  Our staff has received the education, knowledge and training to help you develop and implement a complete holistic financial plan that not only deals with today, but also your future needs such as retirement and estate planning.  This continues into the efficient transition of multi-generational wealth in a controlled and tax efficient manner.  This can be completed using your current team or ours, but all the financial intermediaries are working with the same plan.

The Solution – Diverse Financial Experts That Understand Your Tax & Wealth Needs

At The Accounting Place we believe that everything we do is part of your wealth building and retention plans. We also believe that no one can know it all, or be a specialist in all aspects of wealth management.

This is why we specialize in taxation and work with a team of financial specialists, either your existing team or ours, consisting of financial planners, investment advisors, bankers, lawyers, estate and retirement specialists and insurance representatives.

This gives you the expertise that you need and, with The Accounting Place working as your Primary Advisor, we can help you manage your financial affairs to your best overall advantage, while you do what you do best.

Wealth Retention Advice From Our Team

Understand how we help you to improve your wealth and avoid tax erosion by watching the video below.

Real Wealth Management™ is a trademark of Knowledge Bureau Inc.


Real Wealth Management™ is the Growth, Retention, Accumulation and Transition of Wealth. The Accounting Place understands that doing this after costs and after income taxes is Real Wealth Management™.

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Taxation is your single largest annual expense. We'll help you keep it at a minimum.